Saturday, October 2, 2010

the past two weeks...

I've been working on a project.

all I was thinking were

이렇게 2010년을 두달 남기고
나는 미쳐가고 있었다. ㅋ

i was just kidding, it was awesome fun working on this project.
thanks brad and jeana! :)


  1. 방구!!!! i love the last drawing so much!!! 할망탱.ㅋㅋㅋ
    we seriously love what you did. thank you so much! xo

  2. Awesome work!! Thanks jisung!!!

  3. hahaha the last drawing made me laugh so hard!

    when i first saw the drawings you did on the way home on friday night freaked me out. it was around midnight and i was alone in my car. haha. :D
